
Conveniently located to serve the areas of Santa Ana, San Clemente and Orange County, CA

Dr. Tim Roham and Dr. Ali Roham are the top OC Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeons specializing in Liposuction in Orange County. Patients from all over Southern California come to our office for Laser-Assisted Liposuction and Smartlipo as our surgeons are regarded as Experts in Liposuction procedures with amazing results. Dr. Roham was awarded Top Orange County Plastic Surgeon of 2020. 

Before and After Photos

What is Liposuction?

Liposuction is the 2nd most common cosmetic surgical procedure in America and involves the removal of fat cells from the body. This body sculpting procedure eliminates stubborn fat from various areas of the body including the abdomen, flanks, back, buttocks, upper arms, under the chin, and more. Even with a healthy diet and exercise, removing pockets of stubborn fat from these areas can be difficult. Liposuction in Orange County is a popular cosmetic surgery technique that can remove these stubborn bulges once and for all.


At Advance Laser and Cosmetic Plastic Surgery, we offer 2 types of Orange County Liposuction procedure – traditional liposuction techniques with the use of a cannula to break up fat cells as well as power-assisted liposuction (PAL). Liposuction is a customizable procedure, allowing the precise sculpting you need for the figure you’ve always wanted. Several areas of the body can be addressed with one Liposuction procedure, allowing full-body re-contouring. However, for multiple large spaces, several sessions may be required.

Orange County Liposuction can also be combined with another contouring procedure like the Tummy Tuck or Breast Lift to optimize your results. Dr. Roham will go over your custom treatment plan during your free consultation in one of our Orange County offices – Santa Ana or San Clemente.


The price of each Orange County Liposuction is unique, just like you are! The cost of the procedure is dependent on the amount of total fat that needs to be removed and how many areas you would like to treat. We offer a special deal on Liposuction $850 per area.


Liposuction will be performed with the use of general anesthesia to ensure the patient’s comfort. Tiny incisions will then be made in the target area where they can be well-hidden. A saline solution is then injected into the tissue to help separate the fat cells, making them easier to remove. A small cannula device is then used to gently suction out the separated fat cells. Once optimal contouring has been achieved, Dr. Roham will close the incisions with absorbable sutures.


Patients are able to return home the same day as their surgery. The exact length of your recovery will depend on how much fat you had removed and the size of your treatment area. Most patients return to work within a few days, but others will need a full week of rest.

You can expect some discomfort during your recovery period, but this can be managed with a prescription pain medication provided by Dr. Roham. You can also expect some bruising and swelling that should continue to diminish over the next few weeks. A compression garment will be provided for you to wear for the first month of your recovery to ensure proper healing for the best results. Dr. Roham will be available to answer any questions you might have about your recovery process and provide you with all the necessary instructions.

Treatment Areas

The common areas treated in women are the abdomen, hips, thighs, knees, calves, ankles, and beneath the chin. In men, the areas include the love handles, abdomen, breasts, neck, and chin.

Are the results permanent?

The fat cells are removed won’t reproduce. The results are long lasting as long as the patient doesn’t gain an excessive amount of weight.

How many treatments will I need?

Most patients only get one treatment.

When will I see the results?

The results are seen immediately with continued improvement for several months.

Get It Done Now with 0% Interest!

Liposuction 360 for only $865/mo

12 month offer valid for qualifies Cherry Financing patients. Terms and conditions apply.


Should I get liposuction or a tummy tuck?

Tummy tuck surgery is a cosmetic procedure that can improve the appearance of the abdomen. During tummy tuck surgery, excess flabby skin and fat in the midsection are removed, and the supportive muscles are tightened to provide a renewed contour.

Liposuction is a targeted treatment that works by removing stubborn deposits of fat from specific areas of the body. Unlike tummy tuck surgery, liposuction can treat a variety of areas of the body, such as the back or upper arms. Liposuction can also be performed on the abdominal area to remove excess fat and sculpt a slim, flat tummy.

The decision to get either liposuction or tummy tuck surgery is made when you visit Dr. Roham and discuss your cosmetic goals and expectations.

Is liposuction safe?

Liposuction is a safe and effective fat removal treatment that can provide excellent results.

Can I lose weight from having liposuction?

Liposuction eliminates pockets of fat from the body, revealing a slimmer contour at and near the treatment area. Because of the noticeable results it can achieve, some patients may think liposuction can result in weight loss, but this procedure is not a weight loss solution. If you are interested in losing weight as opposed to sculpting your body, speak to Dr. Roham about your options.

Am I a good candidate for liposuction?

Liposuction is an individualized treatment. It appeals to patients that are bothered by excess fat deposits located on the body. It is especially useful for those that have tried diet and exercise to remove these pockets of fat, to no avail. Additionally, liposuction candidates may share the following:

• A desire to smooth out unflattering bulges throughout the body
• Want a long-lasting body modification
• Desire to remove stubborn fat that is not responsive to lifestyle changes

The only way to truly determine if you are a good candidate for liposuction is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Roham.

What is liposuction recovery like?

Recovery from liposuction depends on the area that was treated. Dr. Roham will provide you with detailed instructions on how to care for yourself after your surgery to ensure a successful recovery. These instructions may include:

• How to treat the surgical site
• Prescribed medications
• Complications to be aware of
• Restricted activities

As you begin your recovery, you may experience swelling, bruising, and soreness. This is natural and will diminish as your body heals. Dr. Roham may recommend a special compression garment to help reduce the amount of discomfort and swelling you experience. You will have follow-up appointments which will allow Dr. Roham to monitor your progress as well as give you the opportunity to ask any questions.

What results can I expect from liposuction?

Liposuction produces beautiful results. Following your surgery and recovery, you can expect a smoother body contour that looks better in clothing, less flab at the treatment site, and an overall improved and slimmer appearance.

Can liposuction be combined with other cosmetic procedures?

Liposuction can be used in combination with other procedures, including mommy makeover surgery. It can also be used to harvest fat from areas of the body to be used in facial fat transfer procedures, where the patient’s own fat is collected, purified, and injected into the face to provide a plump, renewed appearance. If you are interested in combining other procedures with your liposuction treatment, consult with Dr. Roham, who can recommend a comprehensive treatment plan for you that aligns with your aesthetic goals.

Schedule Your FREE Liposuction Consultation

We are one of the leaders in Orange County, specializing in Liposuction procedures. Dr. Roham is one of the best Orange County surgeons with over 15 years of expertise in specializing in Liposuction, Smartlipo and body contouring procedures in Orange County. Patients from all over Southern California come to our office searching for his expertise and amazing results. Check out many before and after photos, read great reviews and schedule your FREE consultation today! See how this procedure can improve your life!