Varicose Veins
Conveniently located to serve the areas of Santa Ana, San Clemente and Orange County, CA

What are Varicose veins?
Varicose veins are large and often bulging green or blue veins that have a tortuous pattern. Varicose veins are caused by a disturbance in the normal flow of the blood in the healthy veins. Healthy veins return blood to the heart and lungs from the various tissues and organs so it can be re-oxygenated. A system of valves makes this happen by allowing the blood to flow in only one direction from superficial veins into the deep veins to the heart. When valves fail or leak, blood flows backward under the force of gravity and distends the veins. This backward flow, called “reflux,” causes blood to pool in to the superficial veins, resulting in varicose veins. Ignoring the situation can result in symptoms such as pain, fatigue, itching, burning, swelling, cramping and throbbing. People who suffer from these symptoms instinctively lie down and elevate their legs to reduce the pooling of blood and relieve their discomfort. However, over time, these symptoms will intensify, and quite often, a person’s varicose veins will become large and “ropelike.” Overly distended varicose veins, especially near the ankle, can rupture and cause profuse hemorrhaging. Some legs can even deteriorate with swelling and dermatitis (skin irritation and inflammation), which can lead to leg ulcers.
Before and After Photos
Treatment for Varicose veins:

Dr. Roham, an experienced Orange County varicose vein treatment specialist, starts every treatment of a varicose vein with a duplex ultrasound of the affected leg in order to map the varicose veins and determine the highest point of valve failure. This will help guide the treatment plan to target this highest point of valve failure, leading to the most effective therapy while minimizing the side effects.
Foam Sclerotherapy
Foam Sclerotherapy is a very powerful new tool available to vein specialists for treatment of medium and large size varicose veins. Foam sclerotherapy involves mixing small amount of air and liquid sclerosing solution back and forth in 2 syringes in order to create foam. The foam, once injected into a vessel, is less likely to get diluted and washed out by blood. Also since foam has air and air is lighter than liquid, the foam rises above the blood and makes contact with the blood vessels causing erosion of the blood vessel walls which will lead to absorption and removal of the injected vein by the body.
Ambulatory phlebectomy is a method of surgical removal of surface varicose veins. This is usually done in the office using local anesthesia. Incisions are tiny (stitches are generally not necessary) and typically leave nearly imperceptible puncture mark scars. After the vein has been removed by phlebectomy, a bandage and/or compression stocking is worn for a short period.
Endovenus Laser Treatment
The laser fiber is inserted into the vein using ultrasound guidance. The laser heats endovenus lining within the vein, causing it to collapse, shrink, and eventually disappear. This technology is used to treat large varicose veins in the legs and takes around 30 minutes to perform. This treatment is often covered by most PPO health insurance companies. Renown Orange County cosmetic surgery provider and vein specialist, Dr.Tim Roham, strives to provide his patients with the latest treatments and is proud to offer a wide range of vein removal procedures in Santa Ana and San Clemente.
Which areas are treated?
The appearance of varicose veins is diminished from the legs, hands, feet, and arms.
When will I see the results?
You’ll get 60%-80% varicose vein reduction after your first treatment. Larger varicose veins improve in three to four months. Smaller varicose veins completely fade within three to six weeks.
How long do results last?
The results are permanent.
Are there side effects?
Yes. You may get redness that subsides within a few days.