Brazilian Butt Lift

Conveniently located to serve the areas of Santa Ana, San Clemente and Orange County, CA

Brazilian Butt Lift is one of the most requested procedures here at Advance Laser Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery Center. As an experienced Orange County butt lift surgeon, Dr. Roham specializes in using a patient’s own fatty tissue to sculpt and augment the buttock region with excellent results.

A Brazilian butt lift can add volume and the appearance of “lift” by adding fat that has been removed from other areas of your body. The Brazilian butt lift is a minimally invasive, body sculpting procedure to augment and reshape the buttocks using fat removed from deposits in other areas of the body. This is a great procedure for people who are struggling with stubborn fat deposits.

Before and After Photos

Enhancing your buttocks with your own body fat is very logical since the results look very natural and there is little chance for rejection or side effects. Dr. Roham uses a combination of liposculpture and buttocks fat injection to create a very natural yet augmented, lifted and sculpted look to the buttocks as well as the whole body.

BBL, Minimally Invasive Procedure

First, Dr. Roham removes excess fat from the surrounding hip area and outer thighs using precise liposuction techniques to create a nice frame for the buttock.

Next, we purify the extracted fat using a special technique to ensure the long term viability of the fat.

Dr. Roham then uses the fat augmentation for buttock in multiple layers in order to achieve very natural and sensual effects. He first injects the fat very superficially to remove all the dents and surface irregularities and then once he has a very smooth, round and well-contoured buttock, he proceeds to inject some fat above the muscle layers in order to add volume until the desired look is achieved.


If you and Dr. Roham determine that a BBL is an ideal option for achieving your cosmetic goals, you will need to start thinking about preparation to ensure a smooth experience. Dr. Roham will provide specific pre-operative instructions that may require adjusting your medications, refraining from tobacco use, or fasting for a period leading up to the procedure. You will also need to plan for your recovery. Make sure someone will be available to drive you home after surgery and take care of you during the first few days of your recovery, as your mobility will be limited.


The buttocks won’t feel any discomfort at all. There are associated bruising and swelling that may take several weeks to resolve. The areas where the fat was harvested from may be sore and tender for several weeks. After the procedure, you must wear a body garment for 4 weeks. You can go back to work after 7 days.


Buttocks enhancement with a Brazilian butt lift can give you beautiful, permanent results. Although some of the fat transferred from stubborn fat deposits will be lost over time, the majority of our patients can expect to permanently retain most of the buttocks’ volume gained in this procedure. A common rule is that what you have remaining after six months will stay yours. To ensure a higher uptake, Dr. Roham injects the fat in small pearl-size droplets in different layers of the muscles and fat – where they will be close to a blood supply. That’s what will make the transferred fat survive.


The cost will vary depending on the patient’s goals – how much enhancement a patient wants for her buttocks, how many areas of liposuction will be needed to achieve the optimum results and where those areas are located. It also depends if the procedure is combined with a tummy tuck or mommy makeover. On average, the cost of BBL in Orange County is between $7,500 –  $12,000. After a free consultation with the doctor, we will provide you with a quote where the total cost quoted will include the Brazilian Butt Lift price (surgeon’s fee + the anesthesiologist and OR fees) as well as a count for liposuction areas.

For those in need of financing for their butt augmentation surgery, options are available through Care Credit and other medical lenders. Please visit our financing page for more details.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is the fat removed from?

We harvest fat from any place where corpulent tissue is found but the most common donor spots are the flanks, the outer legs, and the upper and outer buttocks. Planting fat cells from those areas will cause your rear end to look like it has been lifted up and reshaped to be more curvaceous.

Am I a good candidate for fat injection to Buttocks?

You must be in good health and have enough fat to harvest from – the abdomen, sides, back, or thighs.

How much fat is harvested for injection?

Of course, every Brazilian Butt Lift case is different, but the amount of fat required for each buttock is an average of about 200 to 400 cubic centimeters (cc) of pure fat. For both sides, that equals about 400-800 cc’s.

What is the difference between BBL and liposuction?

Liposuction is used to remove unwanted areas of fat from the body. It can be used to treat various parts of the body, such as the abdomen, upper arms, and thighs. Liposuction can be used as a standalone treatment, but it is often used as a part of other cosmetic procedures to provide a comprehensive result. BBL surgery involves using liposuction to remove fat from areas of the body with excess amounts of fat before inserting it into the buttocks to increase volume and improve its shape.

Will I be able to sit after surgery?

You will not be able to sit or lie on your buttocks for a few weeks following surgery. Doing so could put excess pressure on the buttocks and affect the outcome of the surgery. To ensure that you do not roll over onto your back while sleeping, you may need to use extra pillows to support you and increase your comfort as you rest on your stomach or side. After several weeks, you may be ready to sit; however, this should only be done for short periods of time and only with a pillow that is specifically designed to evenly distribute pressure. Dr. Roham will provide additional guidance regarding sitting after your BBL based on your circumstances.

Will my results look natural?

BBL can result in a more voluminous yet natural-looking contour that complements the rest of your body, especially if you choose a skilled surgeon, such as Dr. Roham. He will gather important information from you during your BBL consultation, including your desired outcome, which will then be factored into your treatment plan.

How can I maintain my results from BBL?

Finally, achieving the backside you desire can dramatically boost your confidence in your appearance. The procedure improves the body’s proportions and makes your clothes appear more flattering. Naturally, you may wonder how to maintain these results, so that you look your best for as long as possible. Maintaining your results starts with focusing on your postoperative care, which may require refraining from smoking, wearing compression garments, and avoiding strenuous activities. Disregarding these instructions could increase your risk of complications following surgery. Dr. Roham will let you know when it is safe to resume your normal activities.

Additionally, you will need to maintain a stable body weight, which can be achieved by eating a nutritious diet and engaging in regular physical activity.

With his extensive experience in cosmetic surgery, Dr. Roham has become well-known for his surgical skill and superior aesthetic results. 

Check out the amazing before & after photos of Brazilian Butt Lift by Dr. Roham and schedule your consultation.