Tummy Tuck

Conveniently located to serve the areas of Santa Ana, San Clemente and Orange County, CA

Dr. Tim Roham and Dr. Ali Roham are the top Orange County Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeons specializing in Tummy Tuck, Abdominoplasty Surgery. Patients from all over Southern California come to our office for tummy tucks procedure as our surgeons are regarded as Experts in Tummy Tucks with amazing results.

Before and After Photos

What is a Tummy Tuck?

A tummy tuck, also known as an abdominoplasty, is a cosmetic surgical procedure that removes excess, loose abdominal skin and stretch marks. Areas of stubborn fatty deposits are also removed and the abdominal muscles are tightened and brought back together. The end result is a flatter, tighter, contoured abdomen.

Over time, our abdomen tissue tends to stretch. Diet and exercise can go a long way toward losing weight and improving muscle tone, but often, even once you have gotten to the weight you want, you still don’t have the shape you desire due to excess skin and tissue. Past pregnancies or fluctuations in weight can cause separation of the abdominal muscles and leave loose skin and stretch marks. Unfortunately, all the healthy lifestyle choices in the world won’t get rid of the extra skin. And no amount of crunches will bring the muscles back together. If this describes your situation, a tummy tuck at Advance Laser and Cosmetic Plastic Surgery is the right choice!


Dr. Roham at Advance Laser and Cosmetic Plastic Surgery offers both the full and mini tummy tuck procedures. Additionally, Dr. Roham frequently works with other surgeons to perform a tummy tuck at the same time as procedures such as hernia repair or hysterectomy. Dr. Roham will be able to help guide you as to what is possible during your consultation to help you reach your goal of a beautiful, flat abdomen.

The Abdominoplasty Procedure

A tummy tuck is performed under general anesthesia. It is done as an outpatient procedure where you can go home the same day as surgery. For a full tummy tuck, Dr. Roham will make an incision below the bikini line and extend it to the hip bones. Another incision is made around the belly button. The excess skin and tissue are then lifted and pulled down, and excess is removed. The muscles are then brought back together in the middle and tightened using a specialized suture to achieve a toned contour in a process called plication.

Liposuction can often be added to the procedure to further contour the hips and give a better shape. The incision is then closed with sutures that dissolve and do not need to be removed. In all types of tummy tucks, small drains may be placed to remove excess fluid and keep it from collecting. These are removed approximately five days after surgery.


You should plan for at least one week of rest after your tummy tuck before returning to work. You should not return to exercise or strenuous activity for about a month. There is mild discomfort after abdominoplasty surgery that is usually well controlled with the medication prescribed by Dr. Roham. Immediately after surgery, you will be placed in an abdominal compression binder which you will need to wear from several weeks to a month after surgery. As with all surgery at Advance Laser and Cosmetic Plastic Surgery  you will be given detailed before and after surgery instructions, and Dr. Roham will be available to answer questions and guide you along the way.


Tummy tuck surgery is customized for each patient; therefore, the total price of the procedure can vary from one person to another. Several components related to each patient’s customized treatment plan will be taken into account for the cost of tummy tuck surgery, including the overall complexity of the surgery, anesthesia fees, and any complementary procedures that are added to the treatment program.

A friendly member of our staff will calculate a comprehensive cost estimate of your tummy tuck procedure once the treatment plan is developed during the initial consultation. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have about the many convenient payment methods we accept and several financing options we offer.

Ideal Candidates

Patients who have sagging skin near their abdomen or excess fatty deposits are excellent candidates. A consultation with Dr. Roham will give you more insight on the results you can expect to see from a tummy tuck and whether you might be a candidate.

Full Abdominoplasty vs Mini Tummy Tuck

Dr. Roham offers customized treatment plans to ensure you get optimal results. If you have the majority of skin laxity on the lower abdomen, below the belly button, or other minimal conditions you may be an excellent candidate for a mini tummy tuck. On the contrary, if you have skin laxity throughout your upper and lower abdomen a full tummy tuck is the best option for you.

Surgery Duration

The tummy tuck procedure is personalized and the duration of the procedure will depend on the technique chosen for you. Most patients with minimal condition will take less than one hour to perform. If you have a moderate to severe condition then it may take four hours or more to perform. We’ll discuss the longevity of the procedure at the consultation.

Final Results Timeline

The tummy tuck procedure will become visible immediately after the procedure. While swelling should decrease within the first several weeks your complete results may not be apparent until six months after treatment.


To help prepare you for your tummy tuck procedure, Dr. Roham will evaluate your medical history, determine your candidacy for surgery, conduct a physical exam, and provide detailed preoperative instructions, which may include the following directives:

Implement dietary and lifestyle changes: You are encouraged to be in good overall health, physically fit, and near your desired goal weight before undergoing tummy tuck surgery.

Quit smoking: Smoking may impact your healing and recovery and can also lead to tissue damage. If you do smoke, Dr. Roham will advise you how far in advance you should quit.

Keep hydrated: Proper hydration can help support a successful recovery.

Establish a support system: You are encouraged to finalize your post-operative plans in advance of your surgery. This includes a designated person to drive you home after surgery and help you take care of yourself during your recovery. Additionally, if you have small children, you will need to make arrangements for their care as you heal.


Your exact tummy tuck incision will be determined by the amount of excess skin being removed. Typically, Dr. Roham will make a horizontal incision midway between the belly button and the pubic hairline. If the upper abdomen is also being treated, an incision around the navel may be required.

Results Duration

Your tummy tuck results are generally long-lasting if your weight is stable and maintained. If you are planning to lose or gain a significant amount of weight after surgery, the change in your body composition may compromise your tummy tuck results. Dr. Roham may encourage you to postpone your tummy tuck procedure until you can maintain a stable weight for at least 12 months.


How much should you weigh for a tummy tuck?

You should be at a stable weight ahead of your procedure. The best tummy tuck candidates are slender with excess fat and skin in the abdominal area. Dr. Roham may advise you to implement lifestyle or dietary changes as you prepare for surgery. If you are overweight, you may be advised to lose weight before your procedure.

Do I lose weight with a tummy tuck?

A tummy tuck is not a weight loss procedure; however, patients may experience some weight loss due to the removal of excess fat and skin. You are generally encouraged to be at a stable weight before undergoing this procedure, and you should not expect the surgery to result in significant weight loss.

What areas are affected by a tummy tuck?

Tummy tuck treats the abdominal area by removing loose skin and fat and strengthening the abdominal wall. You may also notice a reduction in stretch marks on the lower abdomen after surgery.

What are the risks of a tummy tuck?

Tummy tuck surgery comes with risks, including:

Improper wound healing
Fluid accumulation
Tissue damage
Excess scarring
Unexpected changes in skin sensation

Dr. Tim Roham and Dr. Ali Roham will provide thorough pre- and post-operative instructions so that you are aware of any risks associated with your surgery.

Schedule Your Free Consultation

Dr. Roham is one of the top Orange County Plastic Surgeons, specializing in Tummy Tucks (Abdominoplasty). Patients from all over Southern California come to our office searching for his expertise and amazing results. Check out many before and after photos, read great reviews and schedule your FREE consultation today!