Kybella Injections for Double Chin

Kybella Injections for Double Chin | Santa Ana & San Clemente

The first and only non-surgical treatment for double chin

As always, Advance Laser Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery center is at the forefront of medical aesthetics. Kybella is an FDA-approved cosmetic injectable designed to reduce excess fat on the chin. This non-surgical technique from our top Orange Countyā€™s facial cosmetic surgeon can help patients reduce the appearance of a ā€œdouble chinā€ and achieve a more contoured profile. Kybella helps reduce double chin without surgery by dissolving the fat under the chin. Kybella is the first and only FDA-approved nonsurgical treatment that contours and improves the appearance of submental fullness or ā€œdouble chin.ā€

Kybella Benefits:

  • Brief treatment time
  • Minimal downtime
  • Long-lasting results
  • No surgery or incisions
  • Gradual, natural-looking fat reduction

How does Kybella work?

Kybella is a prescription medicine used to improve moderate to severe fat below the chin. Its active ingredient, Deoxycholic Acid, breaks down fat cells. What remains of the fat cell after the injection is absorbed back into the body via normal metabolic pathways. According to the FDA, Kybella is identical to something your body makes called deoxycholic acid, which helps absorb the fat. The shot is an alternative to liposuction or surgery to treat double-chin fat. So when the fat disappears, it disappears completely. Usually Dr. Roham draws a grid of tiny dots beneath his patient’s chin and injects 0.2 cubic centimeters into each dot. Each treatment takes about 15 minutes.

How many injections and how many treatments are needed?

It varies. On average, patients will need a series of 12-20 injections per visit. Kybella is designed to gradually break down fatty tissue, and you should begin to see results after two to three weeks. Full benefits should be visible after a couple months. Though treatments are customized for each patient, most people will enjoy visible results after one to two treatments, and full results are seen with an average of four treatment sessions. You may need two to four total visits, spaced a month apart.

What’s recovery like?

It takes two or three days to heal. Down-time involves swelling for several days following treatment. No special care is needed afterwards. You can wear a scarf if youā€™d like to hide swelling or bruising. Avoid strenuous exercise for 24 hours may reduce swelling.

What is Kybella?

Kybella is an injectable used to remove fat cells beneath the chin.

When will I see the results?

The results appear two to three months after treatment.

How long do results last?

The results are permanent.

Are there side effects?

Yes. You might get bruising and swelling after the procedure. These symptoms resolve within a few days.

Dr. Roham has been in cosmetic medicine for over 15 years and is an expert in Kybella Injections. See before & after photos of Kybella injections and schedule your Free consultation!

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